
Danish Research Center for Cancer Surgery

ACROBATIC (Research Collaboration Across Surgical Oncology for Better Patient Care) is a Danish research center and collaborative network consisting of surgeons, clinicians, experts, and researchers within the field of surgical oncology. Our vision is to cure more patients from solid cancer and to improve quality of life beyond surgical cancer treatment.

Clinical Focus Areas

Through national studies, ACROBATIC works to create evidence to support surgical treatment of cancer, which has the potential to be tailored the individual patient. The work is executed within the three prioritized Clinical Focus Areas (CFAs), prehabilitation, surgical innovation, and survivorship, which are relevant across the 11 participating Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups (DMCGs).

Work Packages

ACROBATIC has more than 43 research projects called Work Packages (WPs), which are covered by one or more of the Clinical Focus Areas (CFAs) and supported by the National Infrastructures (NIs). The research projects address and reduce known barriers within surgical research and support a broader patient, health, and community perspective.

National infrastructures

ACROBATIC has eight defined National Infrastructures (NIs) that address and reduce known barriers in surgical research, support a broader patient, health care and societal perspective, and contribute to the consolidation of a strong national cross- and inter-disciplinary research collaboration.

Latest news

Shaping the Future of Cancer Care: Danish Cancer Research Days 2024

Denmark’s largest interdisciplinary cancer conference spotlights innovation, strategic priorities, and collaboration for advancing patient care Denmark’s largest interdisciplinary cancer conference “Danish Cancer Research Days 2024” (Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2024/DKD2024) took place...

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Fund your research in surgical oncology

Two times a year ACROBATIC grant new and current projects within surgical oncology.

Next call application deadline

16th January 2025 at 11:59 PM

Upcoming events

Latest tweets

Hvordan prioriterer vi klogt med de nuværende ressourceudfordringer i sundhedsvæsenet? Med differentierede kræftpakker?, prioritering af forskningsressourcer?, ny teknologi som opfølgning? eller med patienten som ressource? #DKD2024 #SamarbejdeOmKræft @DCCCcancer @cancer_dk


Er det muligt at lave en fælles dansk infrastruktur for AI? Dette blev bl.a. drøftet til @acrobatic_dk’s seneste temadag om AI. Tak til alle oplægsholdere og deltagere for en spændende dag med indsigt i de neurale netværks muligheder. @DCCCcancer @cancer_dk


Stor dag hos @AuHsurgery når @Ginibala forsvarer sin PhD om senfølger til avanceret tyk-og endetarmskræft fredag 2/2 2024 kl 14.30.
@LeneHjerrild @PeterCh12345
@henrthay @DCCCcancer
@cancer_dk #ikkealeneefterkræft

To af ACROBATICs affilierede projekter har modtaget støtte fra @DCCCcancer til målrettet forskning i bedre og mere målrettet kræftopfølgning 💪 Tillykke til alle 6 ansøgere! @cancer_dk @PeterCh12345 @NijkampJasper